public protocol EntityWrapper
A type wrapping one or more Identifiable types. You should rarely need to use this type. However it can happens to have a non Aggregate object containing Identifiable objects to group them (for consistency or naming). This is especially true with enum cases.
Entities contained by all cases relative to the parent container
func wrappedEntitiesKeyPaths<Root>(relativeTo parent: WritableKeyPath<Root, Self>) -> [PartialIdentifiableKeyPath<Root>]
Return Value
entities contained in the wrapper / Example: / “`swift enum MyEnum: EntityWrapper { case a(A) case b(B)
// note: you would also need to create computed getter/setter for a and b func wrappedEntitiesKeyPaths
(relativeTo root: WritableKeyPath ) -> [PartialIdentifiableKeyPath ] { [.init(root.appending(.a)), .init(root.appending(.b))] } }