
public protocol EntityWrapper

A type wrapping one or more Identifiable types. You should rarely need to use this type. However it can happens to have a non Aggregate object containing Identifiable objects to group them (for consistency or naming). This is especially true with enum cases.

  • Entities contained by all cases relative to the parent container



    func wrappedEntitiesKeyPaths<Root>(relativeTo parent: WritableKeyPath<Root, Self>) -> [PartialIdentifiableKeyPath<Root>]

    Return Value

    entities contained in the wrapper / Example: / “`swift enum MyEnum: EntityWrapper { case a(A) case b(B)

    // note: you would also need to create computed getter/setter for a and b func wrappedEntitiesKeyPaths(relativeTo root: WritableKeyPath) -> [PartialIdentifiableKeyPath] { [.init(root.appending(.a)), .init(root.appending(.b))] } }